Thursday, September 1, 2011

New School Year

Good Morning! Schools back in session. For some that's good for others its one more stress.
Do your kids get off to school with a healthy breakfast and a smile? Do they drag out of bed skip breakfast, and arrive late or do they skip school altogether? If they are young getting them to school may not be easy, but it is doable. If they are teenagers, school may not even be on their list of things to do.
The first thing I would do is ask straight, "why aren't you going?" The initial answer will probably be vague. "I don't like it", "I don't know", "it's boring". The child might be having an issue with bullying. Possibly the child is ditching to get high, hang out with his friends. You will need to find out, however don't try to bully him into talking you will push him away. Take it slow especially if your relationship isn't great. Inquire, and if your not getting a "real" answer than wait. Try again the next day. Enlist the school's help, but be careful. Once the kid starts feeling like he's being backed into the wall you will lose the battle. By the way, yelling isn't a good tactic unless your a Drill Sargent.
If you teenager isn't attending, what are some solutions you have used? I want to hear.

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